tisdag 13 mars 2012

Who will give birth to their sons if they kill the women?

 Where does the hate towards women come from?
I wonder how it is possible at this time and age with all the information we are filled with.
This is still a tradition in Iran, why do they kill there mothers, wifes and sister?
When was killing made to be an honor, the shame must be put on the killers.

Tvåbarnsmamman ska stenas till döds, Artikel om iranskan Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani som riskerar omedelbar stening till döds för otrohet efter med våld framtvingat erkännande, Aftonbladet, 2010-07-04. Bilden till höger på Sakineh är tagen ur artikeln.

Campaign for Iranian woman facing death by stoning, Article about Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani who risks immediate death by stoning after confession enforced by whipping, Guardian, 2010-07-02

I wonder how it works if the men in Iran cannot handle to see a woman without a niqab as he will be to tempted to rape the woman and she will be stoned.
How do the men who live in the western countrys handle their temptations?
If they know how, can they  teach there friends with this issue how to solve this?
The mothers of Iran need to teach there sons how to understand that The Woman Rules.

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